Making Reasonable Accommodations Easier for Employers to Provide
The American’s with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) requires employers to provide an employee with a disability with a reasonable accommodation to allow the employee to perform the essential functions of the job. The obvious question then becomes…what is a reasonable accommodation? This question frequently leaves employers feeling stuck and struggling to identify a reasonable accommodation. However, the Job Accommodation Network (“JAN”) is a great resource for employers. JAN’s website––offers creative and effective accommodations for employees with disabilities. JAN’s one objective is to find and share effective workplace accommodation solutions to employers to allow employees to get back to work.
JAN’s website now offers a search tool call the “Situations and Solutions Finder” that gives employers more than 700 accommodation ideas to offer employees with disabilities. The ideas included in the Situations and Solutions Finder tool are real-world examples of accommodations that employers have given their employees. The Situations and Solutions Finder tool lets employers search for accommodation scenarios by filtering the search results by disability, limitation, and/or occupation. For example, if you search “Sleeping/Staying Awake” in the “Limitations” filter, you will see examples of how an employer provided an employee with sleep apnea a small device called the Doze Alert that fit in the employee’s ear and made a noise whenever the employee’s head started to drop forward at work, or how offering a standing desk for an employee with narcolepsy may be a reasonable accommodation for the employee.
The Situations and Solutions Finder tool is a helpful resource employers can use to satisfy their obligations under the ADA. The ADA requires employers to engage in the “interactive process” when an employee requests an accommodation or when the employer knows the employee has a disability and needs accommodation. The interactive process is a fancy legal phrase that simply means the employer and employee must engage in an informal discussion to discuss the employee’s work limitations caused by the disability and what reasonable accommodation, if any, will allow the employee to effectively perform the essential functions of the employee’s job.
Employers often think there is no reasonable accommodation it can offer an employee.
When employers are stuck in finding a reasonable accommodation, the Situations and Solutions tool is a great resource to turn to. Remember, a reasonable accommodation does not mean the “best” accommodation or the accommodation the employee prefers. Rather, a reasonable accommodation means the accommodation allows the employee to effectively perform the essential functions of the job.
Navigating the complexities of reasonable accommodations under the ADA can be challenging for employers, but resources like JAN and its Situations and Solutions Finder tool can make the process more manageable. However, ensuring your organization’s policies align with ADA requirements and that your HR professionals and leaders are well-versed in the latest tools and strategies is critical to compliance and fostering an inclusive workplace. Don’t leave these important matters to chance. Consult with an experienced attorney to review your policies, provide tailored guidance, and deliver training to your team. Together, we can ensure your organization is prepared to meet its obligations and support employees effectively.