
Real Estate

Comprehensive Legal Support for Natural Disaster Recovery: Navigating insurance claims, loans, fraud protection, and employment law compliance.

In the aftermath of a natural disaster, individuals and businesses face numerous challenges as they strive to rebuild and recover. From navigating complex insurance claims to securing vital small business loans, the road to recovery can be daunting and fraught with potential pitfalls. Additionally, accessing FEMA and other disaster relief funds requires a thorough understanding of eligibility and application processes. To make matters more challenging, the risk of fraud and shoddy construction work increases, making it crucial to have a trusted legal partner by your side. Wagner, Falconer, & Judd is dedicated to providing comprehensive legal support during these trying times, ensuring that you receive the assistance and protection you need to rebuild your life and business with confidence.

Insurance Claims

Maximize your insurance claims with expert legal guidance. After a natural disaster, navigating the complexities of insurance claims can be overwhelming. Wagner, Falconer & Judd is here to ensure you get the maximum compensation you deserve. Let us handle the paperwork and negotiations while you focus on rebuilding your life.

Navigate insurance claims with confidence. Don’t let the insurance companies dictate your recovery. With our seasoned legal team by your side, you can rest assured that your claim will be handled professionally and efficiently.

Small Business Loans & Support

Secure small business loans with legal expertise. Rebuilding your business after a disaster is challenging. Wagner, Falconer & Judd specializes in helping businesses get back on their feet. We’ll guide you through the application process, assist you in meeting requirements for approval, ensuring you have the financial support needed to rebuild and thrive.

Lead effectively during a disaster. Additionally, if you are forced to close your doors temporarily, we provide guidance on complying with employment laws, helping you manage your workforce and legal obligations effectively during the recovery period.

FEMA or Special Disaster Relief from Federal and State Governments

Unlock federal and state disaster relief funds. Accessing FEMA and other disaster relief funds can be daunting. Our knowledgeable legal team will help you understand your eligibility and assist you in securing the aid you need to recover and rebuild effectively.

Fraud (What to look out for, how to spot shady contractors or people offering help.)

Protect yourself from disaster-related fraud. Natural disasters can bring out the best in people, but also the worst. WFJ will educate you on how to spot fraudulent schemes and protect yourself from shady contractors and scammers looking to take advantage of your situation.

Stay safe from fraud after a disaster. Don’t fall victim to disaster-related fraud. Proactively reaching out to WFJ before signing a contract with a contractor could save you years of legal headaches. Ensure you only work with legitimate and trustworthy contractors and service providers during your recovery-however, if you find yourself taken advantage of by a disaster vulture, our legal team can help you recover funds, and get work completed.


Contract Review

Ensure quality rebuilds with professional contract review. WFJ offers thorough contract review services to ensure you’re not paying for incomplete or substandard work. Let us safeguard your interests and ensure your reconstruction is done right the first time.

Avoid construction pitfalls with expert contract review. Before signing any contracts for reconstruction, let our experienced legal team review the terms. We’ll help you avoid common pitfalls and ensure your agreements are fair, protecting you from paying for work that was never completed.

Comprehensive Assistance

Comprehensive legal support during disaster recovery. Navigating the aftermath of a disaster involves numerous legal and financial challenges. WFJ provides comprehensive assistance, helping review and write letters to insurance companies, guiding you through FEMA and other disaster relief applications to access vital funds, and educating you on spotting and avoiding fraud. Our experienced construction and employment attorneys are uniquely qualified to be a vital resource and steadfast partner through every step of the recovery process for individuals and businesses alike.


Recovering from a natural disaster is a complex, and often overwhelming process, but you don’t have to face it alone. Trust Wagner, Falconer, & Judd to be your steadfast partner in rebuilding and revitalizing your life and business, providing you with the peace of mind and support you need during these challenging times.

Navigating Common Legal Pitfalls: A Homeowner’s Guide to Avoiding Costly Mistakes

Homeownership is a significant milestone, but it comes with its own set of legal challenges that can create headaches if not properly managed. From title issues to contractor disputes, homeowners must be aware of the potential pitfalls to safeguard their investments and ensure smooth property ownership. Let’s delve into the most common legal issues homeowners face, and learn how an experienced attorney can help address them.

Title Issues

  • Unclear title: Inadequate title searches can lead to discovering liens, easements, or disputes over property boundaries.
  • Boundary Disputes: Issues with neighbors regarding the exact property lines can lead to legal battles.

Homeowners Association Rules

  • Violating HOA Covenants: Failing to adhere to HOA rules can result in fines, liens or legal action.
  • Unpaid HOA Fees: Non-payment of HOA fees can lead to penalties and potential foreclosure.

Zoning Laws and Permits

  • Unpermitted Work: Performing renovations or additions without the proper permits can result in fines and the need to undo the work.
  • Zoning Laws: Using the property in ways not allowed by local zoning laws can lead to enforcement actions.


  • Failure to Disclose: Not disclosing known issues, such as mold, water damage, or structural problems, when selling a home can lead to lawsuits.
  • False Disclosures: Providing inaccurate information about property condition can also lead to legal action from buyers.

Mortgage and Foreclosure Issues

  • Missed Payments: Falling behind on mortgage payments can lead to foreclosure.
  • Predatory Lending: Signing up for a mortgage with unfair terms can result in financial difficulties and legal challenges.

Tenant Issues (for rental properties)

  • Violating Tenant Rights: Not adhering to landlord-tenant laws, such as failing to return security deposits or provide habitable conditions, can result in lawsuits.
  • Eviction Procedures: Improperly handling evictions can lead to legal repercussions.

Environmental Regulations

  • Violation of Environmental Laws: Issues such as improper disposal of hazardous materials or not addressing asbestos or lead paint can lead to fines and legal action.

Property Taxes:

  • Non-Payment of Taxes: Failing to pay property taxes can result in liens and potential loss of the property.
  • Disputes Over Assessments: Challenging property tax assessments without proper legal grounding can lead to prolonged legal battles.

Insurance Issues

  • Insufficient Coverage: Not having adequate insurance can lead to significant out-of-pocket expenses in case of damage or liability.
  • Claim Denials: Disputes with insurance companies over coverage and claims can lead to litigation.

Contractor Disputes

  • Breaching Contracts: Issues with contractors regarding the quality of work, timelines, or payments can lead to legal disputes.
  • Mechanic’s Liens: Contractors or suppliers not paid for work done can place a lien on the property.


Being a homeowner is rewarding but requires diligence and awareness of potential legal issues. By proactively addressing those common challenges, homeowners can protect their property and avoid costly legal battles. Whether it’s ensuring a clear title, adhering to HOA rules, or obtaining the proper permits for renovations, taking the necessary steps to manage these legal matters will lead to a more secure and stress-free homeownership experience. If you encounter any of these issues, consulting with a legal professional can provide the guidance needed to navigate them effectively. Having an attorney in your back pocket can not only help you navigate any of these legal pitfalls, but keep you from encountering them in the first place. Reach out today to learn how.

New Landlord-Tenant Laws in Minnesota: What You Need to Know

Navigating the rental market can be a daunting task, with both landlords and tenants seeking clarity on their rights and responsibilities. Minnesota has recently introduced new landlord-tenant laws aimed to enhance the rights and protections for both parties involved in the rental agreement.


Pet policies

Good news for pet owners! If you are renting a place in Minnesota, your landlord cannot demand declawing or devocalization of your furry companions.This ensures that pet owners can access housing without having to put their pet through an unnecessary and potentially harmful (and expensive!) procedure.

Your Right to Move-in/Move-out Inspections

Before moving in or out of a rental property, tenants now have the right to request inspections. This not only ensures transparency but also allows both tenants and landlords to document the condition of the rental property, helping to avoid disputes over security deposits down the road. So don’t hesitate to ask for the inspection-it’s in your best interest!


Transparent Fee Disclosure

Say goodbye to hidden fees! Landlords are now required to disclose all non-optional fees in addition to rent in the form of a “total monthly payment.” This transparency ensures that tenants are fully aware of all the costs associated with their rental agreement upfront. No surprises, just straightforward and honest dealings.

Minimum Heat Standards

Nobody likes shivering through the winter months. Thanks to the new law, landlords must ensure that heating is provided- maintaining a minimum temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit from October 1 to April 30. Allowing tenants to remain comfortable during the chilly Minnesota winters without having the crank up their own heaters.


Fair Eviction Practices

If you are facing financial difficulties and are at risk of eviction due to non-payment of rent, landlords are now required to send a letter at least 14 days prior to filing an eviction action. This will give tenants a fair chance to address issues before facing eviction proceedings.

Advance Notice for Entry

Under the new law, landlords must provide at least 24 hours’ notice for non-emergency entry into the rental property. Additionally, entry may only occur between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., allowing tenants to plan and prepare for any necessary access by the landlord.


Lease Renewals

Planning ahead is crucial, especially when it comes to where you live. Landlords are now prohibited from forcing tenants to renew a lease more than six months before the current lease expires. This allows tenants to make decisions based on their changing circumstances without feeling pressured.

These new landlord-tenant laws are designed to create a more fair and transparent rental market for everyone involved. They aim to foster healthier landlord-tenant relationships and protect both parties from legal risk. Whether you are a landlord or a tenant, it’s essential to stay informed about your rights and responsibilities under these new regulations.

If you have concerns about a rental agreement, or are a landlord looking to protect their property, don’t wait! Take the time to review your rights and obligations under these updated regulations-and don’t be afraid to reach out to Wagner, Falconer & Judd to help you simplify the process!